viernes, 6 de mayo de 2011

the kids

Whatever it is you say, whatever it is I say, the kids just hang around my every moment. It was destiny we intermingled for 14 years and they came to be. No more wonderful outcome fore a love gone wrong. Maybe you don't love me anymore, maybe I don't love anymore, but what came out of our meeting definitely justifies it all, whatever the pain, whatever the sacrifice, whatever it was that had to be forgiven. What could have been said better for what we both feel for them, flesh out of out flesh, blood of our blood: you suddenly complete me?

Memory can be sad like a knife, but what would we be without it?

Take care hermit, mother to them three.

The tower

4 comentarios:

  1. what a beautiful way to express it: No more wonderful outcome fore a love gone wrong. Beautiful, so true, so huge.

  2. I wouldn't have said that during those days, and in fact I didn't.
    Love gone We started separated ways because of love.

    But now, this year, that horrible thing came to life. A love gone wrong...How did you forsee that as fast as you came to be the protective tower, you would leave us without your shade. I don't know. It was not a love gone wrong, it had changed, because it needed to change. Otherwise we would have killed each other, even loving each other.

    The only thing I know about now is words, even though repeated during years, even commited words that were and intended to be true, safety words, words holding a world strong for them, are not to be trusted. They can easily be taken away by some moody wind.


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